South Australian Recreation Fishing Review
Venus Bay, Eyre Peninsula (pc: South Australia Tourism)
What’s happening in South Australia?
First currently underway is a South Australian Recreation Fishing Review:
Three key documents have been released about which the government is seeking feedback:
- The Draft management plan for recreational fishing in South Australia outlines the management of the recreational fishery over the next five years.
- The Review of size, boat and bag limits in South Australia’s recreational fishing sector, marine and freshwater outlines: proposed changes to size, bag and boat limits that are set on some species.
- The Management options for King George Whiting in South Australia paper addresses concerns over the sustainability of King George Whiting stocks in Spencer Gulf and the Gulf St Vincent/ Kangaroo Island region. It proposes options for future management arrangements for the species.
An online survey is available to give feedback about the documents.
The Government has announced that attendance at public meetings has been strong and many people have taken up the opportunity to respond to date: click here!
A public hearing about the Draft Management Plan will be held after the public consultation period has ended.
The hearing will be held on Wednesday 11 May 2016 at Level 14, 25 Grenfell Street Adelaide, 10.30 am to 11.30 am.
You can register your attendance until Monday 9 May 2016: email or phone (08) 8429 0516.