Sponsor Coast to Coast 2016
Coast to Coast is Australia’s national coastal management conference, widely acknowledged as the premier event to inspire, unite and enhance communication between those involved in coastal, estuarine and marine planning, management and use. It offers an excellent opportunity to share knowledge and experiences in coastal and marine science, policy, governance, on-ground management and volunteer initiatives. The conference offers the platform for delegates to raise the profile of marine and coastal environments and their values.
Contributing as a sponsor or exhibitor at the conference provides a significant opportunity for your organisation to engage with a large field of influential decision-makers and stakeholders in various marine and coastal disciplines. The conference provides an opportunity for learning, sharing knowledge and information with other delegates and, of course, networking. These experiences are then articulated across the delegates’ organisations and networks – adding value to your sponsorship.
Download the Coast to Coast Sponsorship Prospectus: 2016_C2C_Sponsor_Prospectus